Monday, June 16, 2008

Are You Serious About Wanting Financial Freedom?

Are You Serious About Wanting Financial Freedom?

So here's the deal -- you have heard all the Internet
hype and you want to be "financially free." You want
to get out of the "rat race." Every day, you go through
the same miserable routine: roused by an obnoxious
alarm clock at a brutally early hour, just to rush out
to your gas-guzzling automobile and sit in traffic,
alongside the other "beasts of burden" you call your
business associates.

At the end of a day spent with no time to call your own
you return to your refuge -- the home you can barely
afford -- exhausted and pointlessly drained -- with
just enough time to wash and iron your uniform or suit
for the next day of much the same.

Do you ever feel like you are just existing, rather than actually living?

Do you have any control at all over your income? Can you
decide when to begin and end your working day? Better yet,
who chooses when you take a vacation, or when you even get
to spend quality time with your family and friends? Maybe
your spouse works outside the home too. Have you considered
what you are missing while some stranger raises your
children in your absence?

And though you may have the material things you need,
do you have any of the things you want, like a few
little extravagancies?

There is one thing you can be sure of: life is indeed short.
When your time on this Earth is over, how will you be
remembered? As a person who slaved away, day after day,
for a paycheck, taking on extra hours and responsibilities
build an inheritance for your family by following
"an exhausting routine that leaves no time for recreation"?
Sorry, pal, but that is the definition of "Rat Race," and it
leads to troubled families, employment burnout and,
all too often, an early grave.

I'm not here to make you feel bad. Chances are, if any of this hit
home, you are feeling bad enough already. So what is the answer?

The answer is it is time to take control of your future, by
breaking your current cycle of trading hours for money.
Instead, leverage your available time to create income
streams that are not capped by an employer or by the
amount of time you have in a single day. Do you REALLY
want financial freedom? Do you REALLY want to get
out of the rat race?

Then take the first step on your path to financial freedom.
Do it today. The best place to learn how to do this is to
immediately begin modeling yourself on the people who
have successfully achieved this very step and more. But,
it is time to go back to school.

You are never too old to go back to school. It is never too
late to show your children that you are committed to
building their inheritance, and that they too can control
their life, their time, and their future.
Success University
is the school for anyone, at any age, and at any walk of life,
to begin again.

With Success University, you can have access to the most
influential teachers in every single area of personal growth
and business success, ready to hold your hand and guide
you to that path to real financial freedom.

Seriously, there is no need to go looking for just the right
affiliate program, then looking for guidance on marketing,
then looking for motivation to continue your journey when
confusion sets in, then guidance on how to resolve your
financial needs. One stop shopping -- that is the true key to
financial FREEDOM. A complete education, a scam-free
opportunity, training, support, it is all there, waiting for you . . .
and your family.

I will be there, the sponsor and support you. So send me some
pictures of the family, okay?

Have Successful And Properous Day
Melissa Burton
Network Marketing Coach

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