Friday, June 8, 2007

Welcome To Success University: Team 1

Success University Active Student Rotator: Don't See Your Name Up Here?
Become an active student! And Team 1 will actively promote your link.
As a special thanks, for investing in yourself and your future.

A Warm Welcome To New Success UniversityTeam Members:
Melissa Burton
30 Week Plan To 100 Grand
Investment & Financial Services
Jeremy Britton
Paul Lewis
Joseph C. Mayo Jr.
Jernhua Chin
Kristie Briggs

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dennis Levy and I joined Success University May 30, 2007. I thought, I would give Success University a try, just to check it out. I have been marketing online for 5 yrs. I have had some success, but I want more than that. I would like to be able to tell my boss, I don't need your job anymore. At Success University I think I have found my new job. I get to go to school, learn to improve myself with all the different courses. I know if I went to my local community college. Just 1 credit hour would cost me $65.00
I get access for only $49.95 for a whole month! It gets even better, I can make some extra income. Just by giving away 14 day free access to new students. Works for me! I can get paid for going to school. That really got my attention. Where else can you get paid to go to school? So, joined, I definitely could use some help building my online businesses. With all the personal achievement and motivational teachers. Also some of the best business minds on the planet. If you did not learn anything from them. You didn't TRY! I was hooked, I immediately upgraded to premium student as I wanted to get paid twice as much for recruiting new students. If you are going to be serious about building a business. Why get paid $10.00 when you can get $20.00 for the exact same effort? Also, it really was only a extra $100.00 if I upgraded before my 14 days were up. They bill my monthly tution 30 days farther out. So I really saved $50.00. Worked for me. So if you ready to start building your business. I am ready to help you build your business. That is my job to help you be successful and to help you grow your business. This is a T.E.A.M. EFFORT! Together Everyone Achieves More! That's why I started this blog to have a way to have group communications and to help get us new students. If you post always put your Success University link in post. This way if potential new students read blog they might like your style and click your link and join under you. Just 1 more way we can promote Success University.
Dennis Levy at
Working Toward Your Success-Together Everyone Achieves More!